AS39259 has not been visible in the global routing table since January 28, 2023
Some of the information displayed is from that time.
Some of the information displayed is from that time.
Country of Origin:
Prefixes Originated (all): 4
Prefixes Originated (v4): 2
Prefixes Originated (v6): 2
Prefixes Originated (v4): 2
Prefixes Originated (v6): 2
Prefixes Announced (all): 0
Prefixes Announced (v4): 0
Prefixes Announced (v6): 0
Prefixes Announced (v4): 0
Prefixes Announced (v6): 0
RPKI Originated Valid (all): 0
RPKI Originated Valid (v4): 0
RPKI Originated Valid (v6): 0
RPKI Originated Invalid (all): 0
RPKI Originated Invalid (v4): 0
RPKI Originated Invalid (v6): 0
BGP Peers Observed (all): 1
BGP Peers Observed (v4): 1
BGP Peers Observed (v6): 1
BGP Peers Observed (v4): 1
BGP Peers Observed (v6): 1
IPs Originated (v4): 0
AS Paths Observed (v4): 0
AS Paths Observed (v6): 0
AS Paths Observed (v4): 0
AS Paths Observed (v6): 0
Average AS Path Length (all): 0.000
Average AS Path Length (v4): 0.000
Average AS Path Length (v6): 0.000
Average AS Path Length (v4): 0.000
Average AS Path Length (v6): 0.000
AS39259 IPv4 Peers
ASN | Name |
AS5404 | conova communications GmbH |
AS39259 IPv6 Peers
ASN | Name |
AS5404 | conova communications GmbH |
AS39259 IPv4 Peer Count
AS39259 IPv6 Peer Count
AS39259 IPv4 Prefixes Announced
AS39259 IPv6 Prefixes Announced
AS39259 IPv4 Prefixes Originated
AS39259 IPv6 Prefixes Originated